It’s been a busy few months!
I have now finished all of the spring tours and events I have been working on.
Starting in January The Ugly Sisters has been running at lots of rural venues around Cornwall.
Based on the story of Cinderella, the show proposes that True Beauty isn’t just about what colour your hair is or what style of clothes you’re wearing but that personality and honesty are more important. The tour was great fun to work on and with such a brilliant team I’m looking forward to doing more dates in the Autumn.
Awakening by Freefall Dance was the second big project of this spring. Started last year the show is a triple bill contemporary dance performance and Freefall’s debut show.
A major change this spring was the replacement of one of the pieces with one newly choreographed by Simon Birch. Inspired by Burnt Norton, a poem by T.S. Elliot, the new piece gave me freedom to experiment with a new more open approach to the lighting. Taking visual stimuli from the text and reproducing different atmospheres throughout the piece.
The end of March saw my second event with Golden Tree Productions. A Cornish company set up to promote the rich history and unique culture of our beautiful county, Golden Tree work with Schools, Community Groups and local acting talent to create inspiring events for all ages to enjoy.
Rags to Riches was a project designed to celebrate the heritage of Harvey’s Foundry in Hayle which in 1843 cast the largest ever cylinder in a single mould. with a 144 inch internal diameter the cylinder was glorified in a celebratory photograph taken at the time:
The man in the centre is John Harvey, the celebrated Cornish Engineer and leader of Hayle’s industrial boom.
The picture below is of our recreation of this tableaux during the event on 25th March 2015: