Every year each RYA accredited training centre must be inspected by a coach/assessor to ensure that all aspects of the operation are up to the rigorous standards expected by sailing’s national governing body.
This year the Helford River Children’s Sailing Trust was inspected quite early in the season.
The inspection covers aspects such as on the water activities, safety policies, equipment, tuition, child protection, staff and children’s training, monitoring and communication.
Most of the inspections in recent years the trust has passed well with only a couple of items needing attention.
For the first time this year there was nothing that the RYA thought we needed to change in order to improve.
I don’t expect many centres can claim the same.
The trust has a very dedicated team of instructors of which I am proud to be a part. No commercial centre can achieve what we do, can see the achievement of young people, not only in sailing but in life, on a daily basis.
I hope the trust has the opportunity to continue this vital work to better the lives of Cornwall’s children for many years yet.