Hi! So, it has again been a long time between posts… It’s amazing how ‘life’ so often gets in the way.
This winter has, so far, been surprisingly busy. Surprising only because in October the calendar was looking pretty empty. Since October however I have been working almost constantly on lots of short jobs and, interestingly some rather different types of job as well.
The end of October saw me at Godrevy Farm near Hayle, Cornwall supporting an installation project called ‘It Comes and Goes’. This was my first ‘art’ installation project since uni and it was quite surreal working with state of the art projection equipment in a dusty barn, on a cliff, with the waves crashing on the sand in the background. Surreal but great!

Following that was another first, a pure electrical installation job. After only a couple of burns I remembered how to solder without making my hand part of the circuit and after five days of very rewarding work for someone with ‘OCD’ we had fitted out ten light boxes for Kensington Palace’s Christmas Exhibition.

This was followed by another week of the wonders of The Eden Project and it’s Father Christmas experience. Designed by Ellie Williams and lit by Lucy Gaskell, it was great working with such lovely people again. Having worked on the install week two years previously I had a reasonable degree of confidence that allowed me to relax about the job giving myself time to enjoy the problem solving and practical aspects.

The end of November brought about the opportunity to work at The Performance Centre, AMATA, Falmouth Uni again. It was good fun working with the boys again and being thrown in the deep end a little with music events and ‘proper’ lighting desks was certainly good for me!

The last few days of the month saw a very exciting week. A research and development week for a creative space for young writers. (told you it was different!) A group of us including writers, artists, designers and educators met over several days to generate ideas for a multifunctional space through two classrooms. Different areas for inspiration, individual and group work were proposed, as well as themed functional spaces. This project has allowed me to revisit some of the research that comprised my degree dissertation. The way that light affects humans physiologically and psychologically is so very powerful and we hope to be able to use the very latest LED lighting equipment from Philips Lighting to enhance the learning and creativity of workshop participants as well as gain valuable insights into how children interact with the lighting around them. Very, very cool!
December brought yet another first: my first lighting workshop!
Working with two young people from Cornish charity Carefree we looked at basic lighting techniques and colour mixing. The two tutees then became tutors as they then delivered similar mini workshops to other members of their group with their achievements being logged for their Arts Leader awards.
A great experience for me and maybe something to build on for the future…
January saw me teaming up once again with Lucy Gaskell from CQ Lighting. This time to install a replacement soundscape in the Baka area of the Rainforest Biome at the Eden Project. Another learning curve for me, finding how many different ways you can encourage cable to make its way down narrow conduit! Surreal as always, working in 25-30°C in Cornwall then leaving the biome to grab that all important tool and being blasted in the face by 3°C rain and wind!
Very satisfying however to see a completed, functional and (for the OCD part of me) neat system.
Plans for February and March involve a tour with Norwegian dance company Panta Rei Danse Teater and starting preparation for this year’s sailing season! Amazing how soon it comes round each year.
Bye for now 🙂