The Coastguard’s Daughter is a Cornish tale based on a true story from World War One. Written by Olivia Lowry, the piece tells of the previous owners of her home in Pentewan. When the war began in 1914 the Head Coastguard and his men left for the front line. With no men left to take their place it was his wife and two daughters who took on the responsibility for watching over the fishing fleets and shipping. With a strong sense of community and stoic perseverance the play beautifully illustrates the situation these young women found themselves in.
An element unique to this piece is the incorporation of shanty choirs to provide a rich mix of songs to augment the story. A different choir at each venue means that no performance is the same and each group brings their own collective personality to the narrative.
Lit from two T-bars front-of-house and a back lit shadow effect the lighting is flexible enough to adapt to venues of different sizes and shapes. As well as providing two tones of wash there is also a special for several key moments.